If I asked you what the definition of Racism is, what would you say? What source would you refer to ? Your Opinion? Your "feeling"? The Dictionary? Would you say there is no such thing as Racism? I was first introduced to the definition of Racism by Ron Chisom of the Peoples Institute for Survival and Beyond. This definition is used by anti-racism activists, as it emphasizes the role of power in perpetuating racism and allows for the acknowledgement of prejudice among all racial groups without absolving individuals of their responsibility for perpetuating racism.
Prejudice plus power, also known as R = P + P, is a definition of racism that emphasizes the role of social power in perpetuating racism. The definition argues that in order for racism to exist, there must be both racial prejudice and institutional power to enforce that prejudice. This means that only those with social power, such as the majority race in a given society, can be racist, as they have the ability to codify and enforce their prejudices into the social and political structures of a society.
In the past, racism was commonly defined as prejudice or discrimination based on race. This definition, however, fails to capture the complexity of racism and its impact on individuals, communities and societies. Merriam-Webster, whose dictionaries are ubiquitous in U.S. classrooms, offices and libraries, has announced that it will refine the definition of the word “racism” in its publications to include the concept of systemic racism.
Universalizing Definitions is important because it allows people to have a shared understanding of the terms and concepts they are discussing. When everyone is using the same definitions, it ensures that they are all talking about the same thing, which makes it easier to have a meaningful and productive conversation. Without universal definitions, people may interpret the same words or phrases differently, leading to misunderstandings and confusion. In this blog post, I will discuss the recent change in the definition of racism and how we can work together to share an Analysis of how Racism operates thru Systems.
Systemic Racism is an increasingly accepted term that has been used to describe how racial prejudice and discrimination are embedded in policies and practices at every level of a society's institutions. Systemic Racism describes the structural arrangements of power which produces inequality between groups by denying access to resources, opportunities and privileges for certain groups of people while perpetuating the benefits held by others.
Understanding Systemic Racism is essential for dismantling it, so it’s important for those working towards Social Justice to be aware of its intricacies. Starting with Linguistic Racism. Linguistic Racism occurs when language is used to create or perpetuate inequality and social exclusion.
The only way to break Systemic Racism and its barriers is for everyone — individuals, organizations, institutions and governments — to understand what it is and how it works, and then take action together. That requires us all to share a common understanding of Systemic Racism so that we can work together towards a more equitable future. By redefining racism in our dictionaries and conversations, we can finally begin tackling Systemic Racism in a meaningful and productive way. Systemic Racism is an issue that must be addressed if we are ever going to achieve true Social Justice. The only way to do so is by having shared definitions of Systemic Racism, starting with its dictionary definition. By understanding the language and concepts used to discuss Systemic Racism, we can begin to make real changes in our society. With these shared understandings, we can fight Systemic Racism together. We can create a more equitable world where everyone has an equal chance at success, no matter their race or background. This is the key to creating a better future for us all. ~rjb
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